Friday 8 July 2011

Cara gosok gigi yang betul!

Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahtera!!!

Hmm.. Most of iklan berust gigi in Tv, smua show the wrong way of brushing gigi. I dont know about u, tapi when i was in primary school..ada Jabatan Kesihatan datang, and check our gigi..That time lah, the nurse ajar how to berus gigi dengan betul.. To check kebersihan gigi, we can check guna lidah kita sendiri, cuba rasa permukaan gigi atas,bawah,bhgn depan dan belakang..klu rasa kasar2,mksudnya kotor lah. biasa pas makan, mmg kasar lah gigi kt, sbb taik gigi lah...(yang ni cara xperlu dentist lah!haha...)..

Contoh gigi, ini bukan gigi saya!
Cara berus gigi yang betul:
1- Untuk gigi atas, ikut arah anak panah (hijau) sahaja...hanya 1 arah! Jangan diberus pergi balik (return) sebab,kotoran dekat gigi tu nanti..bila dah di keluarkan kebawah( brus ikut anak panah), akan masuk balik ke gusi jika kita return berusan kita!! Faham x??
2- Untuk kawasan gigi yang di gunakan untuk mengigit tu...gosok seperti anak panah yang ke kanan tu..itu baru sm cara gosokannya dengan yang kat TV
3- Untuk gigi bawah, bayangkan ja image di atas ni dalam keadaan terbalik..SAMA sahaja..

Cara berusan gigi ni sangat penting untuk di ikuti sebab kalau tidak,akan ada lapisan kuning or already turn to coklat-coklat kat kawasan yang berwarna kuning dalam gambar di atas...

Kawasan kuning tu, antara gusi dengan gigi adalah kawasan pengumpulan tahi gigi atau nama spesifiknya TAIK GIGI sp..ok. Maka dengan itu, penting untuk berus gigi (Step 1) tanpa RETURN.

I applied this method since I was taught to brush this way, and my teeth are fine. I ajar Dek Lai jugak dengan cara ni, and masa dia darjah 5, ada pertandingan gigi bersih (Jabatan Jesihatan dtg to his school)..and He dapat ANUGERAH GIGI BERSIH!!! Haha...ok, now Remember, KEBERSIHAN and WARNA adalah berlainan. Jangan pulak lepas try method ni 2 bulan, u all sue I sebab x putih2 gigi!no!no! sebab Warna gigi memang macam tu..(Sedangkan Darlie yang salt crystal tu pun x effective within 2 weeks!!!)..Warna gigi kita mmg mcm ni..ada yang kuning, ada yang putih, putih kuning2 and bukan lah biru,merah,hijau..setakat ni belum jumpa lagi lah! (ahhahhaha)...So, klu mmg warna gigi kita kuning, it doesnt matter! Yang penting BERSIH!!!!!!! ("BERSIH" .KUNING..lain macam pulak..

So, as a conlcusion (<---assignment) anda try lah berus gigi this way...and lepas tu,cuba cek guna lidah anda tu...cek smua gigi,ada kasar2 lagi or not? klu ada..mngkin berus gigi anda sudah botak di mana2..ok? tips, berus gigi kena tukar every 3 months!!! :) For me, I like berus gigi yang biasa and lurus sahaja..xperlu ada 360! and boleh putar sana sini..sbb kita tau cara berus gigi yng betul! =)

Thanks for reading. Bye. (<---hahhaha.)

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Rezeki Tuhan

Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahtera... :) (Mode baik nie)

Lately, too many status my friends (one from me too) on Facebook said tentang kerja...antaranya status mcm ni lah ----> xdpt keja,susahnya nak cri keja,klu keja kena ada experience... Here, I want to share a true cute story.. :)

Pada zaman dahulu, (ni bukan bedtime story!! jangan tido!) Nabi Sulaiman A.S tengok ada sekor semut ni non stop working. (maaf...ayat yang digunakan adalah ayat sendiri...mungkin x seformal seperti kisah-kisah nabi yang lain..).. Nabi ni hairan tengok semut ni.. Nabi terasa ingin tahu berapa banyak agaknya makanan yang di kumpul and di makan oleh semut tu, sebab they not stop working.. Then, one day..Nabi ambik seekor semut and kurung adik tu. (Adik= semut..hormat sikit!).. Nabi letakkan sebutir gula (If i not mistaken, sebab this story I read long time ago..Jadi mungkin x betul, tapi Nabi memang kurung adik tu and letak FOOD)..

Nabi kurung adik tu hari ni, and letak sebutir gula tu..and then, esoknya Nabi tengok lah adik tu.. Dia hairan 1 butir gula tu hanya setengah di makan oleh adk tu..Nabi pun bertanya..Lebih kurang macam di bawah lah..

Nabi: Mut (panggilan manja semut) , Kenapa ko x habiskan ja gula yang aku bagi tu??
Adik: Mut risau..Mut takut..Mut makan sikit2..
Nabi: Aik..kenapa pulak risau? Kan aku ada..Aku mesti bagi ko lagi,kalau gula tu dah habis..
Adik: Bukan apa..Mut risau Nabi lupa bagi gula pada Mut. Kalau di luar sana, Mut x risau..sebab ALLAH XPERNAH LUPA UNTUK BAGI REZEKI..dan REZEKI ALLAH TU DI MANA-MANA..Mut tinggal cari sahaja..klu dlm kurungan, Mut takut Nabi lupa..sebab tu Mut x abiskan gula ni... :(

Moral of the story, kepada rakan-rakan seperjuangan atau x seperjuangan..JANGAN KITA PUTUS ASA..sebab ALLAH ada. :)

Thanks.Bye! (<--hahahahaha)

Sunday 3 July 2011


Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera.. :)

I want to express my opinion. (skema!). Setiap orang memang berbeza.. to start writing ya.. Ok, for muslims, biasanya kalau sedang bercalling (membuat panggilan)..ada yang akan greet/start with  Assalamualaikum and End with Assalamualaikum too... That is a good things, because maksud ASSALAMUALAIKUM tu is PEACE BE UPON YOU..mendoakan pihak kedualah maksudnya tu..
walaubagaimanapun, ramai drp kita x sedar..yang kadang-kadang ASSALAMUALAIKUM itu sudah bertukar jadi beberapa ungkapan lain seperti:

3-Paling dashat..dengar KOM jak..

Semua ungkapan di atas ni, tiada maksud. Tapi xblh sure jugak. Manalah tau kalau yang Samekom tu bermaksud I LOVE YOU dlm bhs uganda?? and Assamuekom tu pulak AKU SUKA MAKAN KAMBING dalam bahasa korea? I dont know..and entah-entah KOM dalam Tamil bermaksud CERIA??..oo man..I seriously do not know sebab I speak Malay,English sahaja..Hee...and little tamil (mau jugak letak tamil.pdhal baby2 tamil lagi banyak tahu bahasa nya drp I ..).

Apa-apa pun, saya rasa kita sepatutnya memperbaiki/memperbetulkan ungkapan tersebut.. sebutlah dengan betul.. ASSALAMUALAIKUM..and sertakan niat yang ikhlas mendoakan pihak kedua.. Mau crita sikit, my baby brother..klu mau masuk rumah, and he greeting, I heard huruf A,S,L and Kom only..I buat xtau dlm rumah..and he will know, by me silent sambil tgk Rafael Nadal (my boyfriend) main tennis, he knows that I want him to bagi salam betul2...and then he said ASSALAMUALAIKUM..baru lah I laju2 sepantas baby cheetah chomel berlari menuju pintu membuka kunci untuknya!!

And kalau my friend/family calling, I admit its a bit awkward to say ASSALAMUALAIKUM because Im not educated to do that. My family especially, We start with Hello and end with BYE..but I slowly start to say ASSALAMUALAIKUM.. :)

I hope we can together practice the kalimah with correct pronounciation and meaning. :)
(serious pulak post this time).. Bye! (<--- Hahahahaa)

Frequently Asked Interview Questions [Soalan yang biasa di tanya semasa temuduga]

Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahter.. ;)

Hari ni,I want to share tips about my post tittle.Xkan lah mau crita pasal kenapa my neighbor basuh kereta baru dia hari-hari kan? (hahahahaha)  Since ramai my friends yang dapat call untuk interview, so here I help. Because I have attend banyak courses and talk about this topic (the tittle)..Tapi, I sendiri belum ada peluang untuk praktis kan semua ni, sebab I belum dapat offer utk temuduga. Sejak abis degree mei lepas, ada lah sekali I got offer untuk jadi kimia teacher (tuition), tapi I sedarlah jugak myself.. (saya bodok kimia)... Aduii.melalut lah plak..ok2.Back to topic. Di sebab kan I study dekat IPTA yang offer semua Engineering courses, so most of talk and courses I attend tu share questions based on Engineering Industry lah.Tapi jangan risau..jangan risau!! jangan lah risau!!! (Ada kah yg risau?) Tips ni boleh di guna pakai untuk semua industri.Thus, below is frequently asked semasa interview:

1-Tell me something about yourself..
Soalan macam ni, bukan boleh jawab macam kita di tanya masa kita sekolah rendah dulu. Dimana kt akan jawab, mknn kegemaran,minuman kegemarn,orang yang di benci,org yg di,no!!! bukan itu..tetapi ini:

a)Education (CGPA,Award-award yang kita penah dpt during study)
b)Future Goal
c)Potential Contribution (linked dengan the company..klu minta part time KFC, xperlu lah crita thesis kt yang 300 muka surat tu..and crita apa yg kt blh contribute!)
d)Professional Achievement (Pernah ikut any tournament/exhibition/rekacipta or anything)

2-Why you want to work here?
Jangan sesekali ckp I TERPAKSA,SEBAB DAH XDA KERJA LAIN..(hahahaha),no no no..Even the job is for ur temporary, you should be polite lah. Kita kena answer tentang..

a) The company (Cerita tentang kejayaan/kehebatan company tu...Search ans study!!!..and tell lah sebab kejayaan2 company tu lah, you also want to join the company to be the best too)
b) The position you are applying (Cth: Droughperson..You bgtau lah you ada sijil autocad and then, you dah praktiskan knowledge tu, masa internship pun u ada practice skill autocad you..and yg penting, tell why u worht to them.. )

3-What are your best skills? (Strength)
Untuk ini, kita kena research dulu pasal company nie, and list out apa agaknya skill2 yang company tu, you tell lah. Tapi honest lah,jangan pandai-pandai plak..Nanti you sendiri susah.

4-What is your weakness?
Ada 2 cara unntuk jawab soalan macam ni.Contoh..
a) I often worry too much over my work. Sometimes I work late to make sure the job is well done! (nampak macam mengada-ngadakan? tapi thats how u sell urself..during day.hahaha..bukan  night)
b) I am not outspoken/talkative/nervous person. HOWEVER, I have attend many courses and talk on how to manage them. And LUCKILY now I am turning to a better person.

Nampak x beza 2 tu?? yang A tu, memang macam xda weakness..weakness tu nmpk mcm stregth..tapi yang B, nampak jujur..memang weakness, tapi ada EFFORT untuk mengatasi...

5-How do u prefer to work- by urself or with others?
Better bagitau kita ni flexible ..can work in both condition,tp sometimes it depends...

6-What are your career aspiration?
Masa ni, kita kaitkan dengan mission and vission company tu.. Konon-konon nampak macam ada kaitan lah.. :)

7-What are your interest other than work? (what is your hobby)
Whatever your hobby is, please add one yang sporty!! Because company suka worker yang aktif! Janganlah cakap hobi main game 38jam sehari..or main angry birds 34 jam sehari... :[ can say jogging,hiking,swimming.. :) (i love swimming!!!)

8-What salary do u expect?
Kita kena cek dulu, untuk positio yang kt apply tu, biasa nya berapa range gaji..then u can state..tapi ingat, kalau dia x tanya..YOU jangan tanya dia berapa sallary yang dia offer..sebab biasanya salary tu dia bgtau masa 2nd interview...

9-Is there something you want to ask? (Ni last2 biasanya)
Use this chance to summarize ur good characteristics and attributes..and how they may used to benefit the organisation.Kt blh jgk tnya, macam mana sesi interview kt tadi.ada harapan x?kalau mau tau lah..heee..

10-What if u cant work with your fellow workers?
Ok ni soalan bentuk permasalahan (macam salah eja jak???)..masa ni, kta gun aphrases seperti.. "willingness to learn".."adaptation".."understanding the system".."blend into the culture".."be humble,learn from them"..

Actually I ada banyak lagi tips, tp hari ni..biar ini saja dulu. Kepada semua yang bakal ke temuduga, SELAMAT BERJAYA!!!!!!! :)

p/s:menghadiri interview tu sudah 50% kita dapat kerja...(faham x ayat nie?)..Bye!

Saturday 2 July 2011

Kepentingan Mami!

Assalamualaikum and Salam 1 Malaysia ...(Masih Satu Malaysia ka??)

Tonight my mom will come back here at LD..Akhirnya...
Sejak my mom stay at KK, to take care 'site' there..I replace her.100% replace..
Susah rupanya jadi seorang mami..atau apa-apa saja panggilan yang diguna..ibu/mak/mama/mamak/bonda/umi!
Here, I stay with Dek Lai (my baby brother)..Bukan senang mau jaga Dek Lai walaupun sudah 13 tahun!!
grrrrrrrrrrrrr...Kadang-kadang mau di tengking,terajang ( cara kami bermanja)...baru dia mau buat apa yang I minta tolong..

Kerja-kerja seorang mami:
1-Masak Sarapan
2-Basuh Baju (kalau guna machine automatic tu xpa, byk masa utk kerja klu mcm us?? :[ ..bilas,sabun,bilas,spin,bilas,spin...)
3-Sidai Baju

Between Pagi - Tengah Hari:
1-Sedia lunch..( potong2 bawang,rendam seafood or anything, potong2 sayur,masak nasi)
2-Masak Lunch..
3-Lepas Lunch, basuh dishes..

1-Sedia makan petang..apa2 lah..cucur ka..pisang goreng ka..teh panas! (setakat ni, I buat cucur udang bawang! Heee... They like it.)
2-Ambik baju yang di jemur tadi.

1-Prepare dinner (sbb dadi suka makan panas2)
2-Basuh dishes
3-Lipat Baju..

Perrghhhhh..Ini everyday!! Nasib my dadi, selerenya biasa-biasa.. untuk lunch sayur tumis,ikan goreng,sup kuning ikan... Jadi! xpayahlah I mau buat kari ayamlah,rendang daging..Hee... :)
Banyak masalah timbul, when my dad bought seafood such udang and ketam. Unfortunately, I xpandai masak yang hebat-hebat.Sebab I kan muda lagi.. (Muda kepala tengkorak!)..Ketam pun rebus serai jak..kalau mami ada, confirm2 masak lemak cili padi..Udang pun, I goreng jak..kalau mami ada, confirm2 masak sambal udang! Huwaaaa......

Maka disini, saya dengah rendah hati...menasihati "penganggur sementara" seperti saya, untuk MEMBANTU mami/ibu/mama/mak/umi kita.. because its not easy..

Oklah, Thats all..Now, I mau jemur kain (jam 12tgh hari sdh)..and lepas tu prepare lunch..(jadual di atas untuk mami2 jak..yg penganggur macam I,lewat xpa..)


Sawang Labah-Labah

Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahtera Semua!!!!!!!!!! (Berdiri atas batu besar sambil di hembus angin sepoi-sepoi matematik)... :)

First time buat blog months ago, bukan main excited lagi!!!! Hahahaha.. Tapi, lepas 3 post yang xberapa hebat tapi di harap dapat membantu, terus off..Ini di sebabkan oleh (tiba-tiba explain):

1- Final Year Project during that time..Masa tu (berbulan-bulan lepas) I was a student lg..So, xdpt fully commitment to this blog (ada mak kesah??)

2-Final Exam.. Erghh..

3-Internet my school pun x support blogger nie..Siap di block lagi! Heee..

So, sekarang saya berstatus seperti di bawah:

1- Menganggur
2-Suri Rumah sepenuh masa. Memandangkan mami saya sibuk jaga 'site' at KK. :( Saya mengambil alih tugas mengurus rumah! 100%.
3-Pencari kerja tegar. Almost everyday I sent out my resume to random company.. (xdelah random..pilih jgak..).
4-Penonton Tenis yang Tegar!!!! (xblh buat apa..Rafael Nadal loves me)

For refreshing, ini je lah dlu! :) (ada ka org baca blog aku nie?)

Sunday 27 March 2011

Pahang:: Bukit Tinggi

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and Salam Sejahtera... (skema...! sdh jwb slm blum?)

This time, RJ wants to tell about my trip to Bukit Tinggi. I went there on February 2011. It is a very nice and awesome place to go!! Bukit Tinggi is located at Pahang. RJ comes here from Kuala Lumpur, so we (RJ and friends) take about one hour drive to reach here. At Taman Bukit, ada banyak tempat-tempat menarik, and yang paling utama (main attraction) here is the Colmar Tropicale.It is a replica of a collection of buildings from a north-eastern village in France dating back to the 16th Century.So, ada feel macam pergi oversea lah..!! Heee...

The Entrance of the Colmar Tropicale (snap gambar pun senget benget..heeee)

The view from the tower.

RJ's friends. ;)

The buildings inside the Colmar Tropicale

The 'oversea' view. ;)
 For your imformation, Bukit Tinggi ni terbahagi kepada beberapa bahagian:
1.Colmar Tropicale
2.Japanese Village
3.Rabbit Park
4.Bukit Tinggi Golf Club

Lepas RJ jalan-jalan,and snap-snap pic kat Colmar Tropical, agak-agak lemak kaki dah cair sikit,kitorang pun pergi kat Japanese Village!! ;)

RJ and friends in front of cute japanese house.

Entrance to the Tatami Spa

Ala-ala Japanese landscape

Cute right?

Friends.. ;)
Japanese House
 Actually, at Japanese Village ni..kita boleh rent kimono, to look lagi real.Konon-konon betul-betul (banyaknya kata ganda!haha..) macam kat Japan. Kimono rental cost rm10. ;) Tapi masa RJ pegi ni, dah petang..lari-lari dalam taman ni sebab pak guard dok tiup2 wisel suruh keluar!grrrrr....xsempat nak berabisan tangkap gambar!

After round-round Japanese Village, RJ and friends pergi lak ke French Palace. Tmpt ni dekat dgn Colmar tadi.. ;)

Konon-konon model! ;)

This is the French Castle ( I uploaded this one first appear last)
 After snap sana sini (sorry, pic terlalu banyak untuk di upload semua..letak 2 untuk this part is enough)..Then, we go to rabbit park. Tapi dah close, sbb as I mentioned, dah petang sangat.. So, come to the tips.
1.From KL, you take Karak Highway to get here. Remember, u will jumpa first sign board tulis KAMPUNG BUKIT TINGGI, dont go inside. Its not it..and also, if u jumpa signboard tulis Beverly Resort and ada terselit perkataan BUKIT TINGGI kat ats board tu, hah!! MAsuk!! kat situlah..!!! Haha... ;)
2. Entrance for all is Rm12 for adult. But utk masuk Rabbit Park ada charge lain.
3.Pakai baju tebal2,lengan panjang..sebab Bukit Tinggi ni 2700 kaki from sea level! Sejut sangat tau!! RJ xpa,RJ byk lemak..!! haha..
4.Bawa makanan sendiri, sebab on top here..makanan semua mahal-mahal.. ;) (student mesti kena bajet-bajet sikit..)
5.Kalau plan nak datang sini, datang awal-awal..sebab tmpat ni luas sangat...3jam xcukup!

RJ rasa tu ja kot tips yang boleh di share. If anything, ask ja/drop comments ok! Thanks for reading.

Saturday 26 March 2011

Sabah:: Manukan Island

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and Salam Sejahtera!!!!! ;)

Today, RatuJalan ingin (wah..skema! xtahan.haha).. berkongsi about Manukan Island. Manukan Island ni actually lies in Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park (TARP). In TARP, ada 5 islands; Manukan, Mamutik, Gaya, Sapi and Sulug. Since I only went to Manukan Island (3times! because the island is awesome and near to KK), so this post is more about manukan lah ea...I will slip information about other islands too..

Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park

To go this 5 islands, we have to take boat at Jesselton Point (the jetty). In the jetty, there will be many travel agents, offering many different package. For average people like me, I will go to the cheapest package (same with the mabul case..heee..)..I dont know how to tell in long story pasal nie, so I jump to the tips teruslah.
Tips and Info::

1. Buy return ticket (any islands u want to go) dekat kaunter paling close dengan toilet. That counter the cheapest. Jetty-Manukan only Rm15.
2. Better rent snorkeling equipment (if u dont dive, u snokeling! COMPULSORY!!!! the underwater is SUBHANALLAH) dekat kaunter ni terus. Sebab kat island nanti,lagi mahal!!
3.Bring own food, KFC,McD,Sandwiches,Nasi Bungkus ka..hehe..sebab makanan kat Island,mahal!! Ice cream bodo-bodo ja pun almost rm5!
4.Bring Camera ( u all pon almaklum kot!!!!)
5.If u go Manukan, port snorkeling yang best dekat pondok life guard! Its far from the manukan jetty, but the underwater at this port is the most beautiful..the coral!! tempat lain pun cantik, too many beautifull at this port,u can see many coral!!! ;)
6.Please go early,many people want to go this u can enjoy there and be back at city at evening!

Ok,Bayaran-bayaran yang perlu di sediakan:
1.Return boat ticket (depends on how many island u go..if manukan, Rm15)
2.Snorkeling Equipment (Goggle + Life Jacket) = Rm15
3.Jetty Tax = Rm6 (adult), Rm3(Child)
4.TARP entrance fee = Rm3 (Adult), Rm1 (Child)

If u afraid to do snorkeling/dive, you can do scooba-doo. Its a scooter riding underwater! Its so fun!!

The fishes. RJ ambik kat google, since I dnt have many pictures of this fishes.

The Scooba-Doo. Also copy from google..

The Jesseltopn Point main gate!

During my third time going there! See...many people!!

3rd times, riding the same boat! (sebab same cheap travel agent)

Mamutik Island..Sempat snap, transit sini ambik tourist lain.

Manukan Island. Isnt it beauty??

Mamutik Island.

So, RJ hopes this post can help u to come here!!! For those coming from outside Sabah, you can rent any hotel in KK city and still easy to get to Jesselton Point. :)

Sabah:: Sahabat Beach Resort

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and Salam Sejahtera!!! Hello to intertanional people! (Macam ada! Heee...)

Sahabat Beach Resort (SBR) ni terletak 1 and a half hour drive from Lahad Datu City (Act,depend on the driver,for my dad its 2 hours.heeee....).Specialnya about this place is its far from crowded city, can relax your mind and have fun with family. SBR pernah masuk ASTRO channel Tamil International as one of interesting places to go, so here I am to help u out! ;)

The resort. (view from parking lot)

The lobby.

The playground at the back of the resort, facing the beach.

The rooms.

Walk Trail to the beach from the resort.

The swimming pool.

The beach.

The swimming pool again.
The beach. Very nice to picnic. ;)

The jetty, we can jalan-jalan or fishing at night! ;)
The Entrance.( I uploaded this one first, but appear last..dont know)
Its bad I dont have many pitures of it, but for Sabahan, you are suggested to came here. ;)
Interesting places around this resort:
-Small Golf Club (on its right)
-Mini Zoo (5minutes drive from resort)
-Sport Centre (Futsal, Tennis, Football, Badminton, Table Tennis, Netball..This is provided for the residents in Felda Sahabat, but you are free to use)

1- From Lahad Datu Town, you take Tungku-Felda Sahabat highway.
2-If you from KL, the easiest way is to land at Lahad Datu airport(KK-LD).
3-If u landed at Tawau, Tawau - LD (2 and a half hours drive) , LD - Sahabat ( 1 and half hours drive)
 4-For reservation at SBR, call 089-811300. 

Enjoy!! ;)

Friday 25 March 2011

Sabah:: Mabul Island

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and Salam sejahtera..(Sudah jawab salam ka??..haha..)

Ok, For the starting of my humble escape, I'll like to begin with Mabul Island! Because, for is the best island i ever been to!! (TERIMA KASIH TUHAN!!! *berkata dgn penuh semangat!)..Pulau Mabul is located near Bandar Semporna. To get there, you have to go SEMPORNA, then by almost 1hour boat ride from jetty (Ask you Homestay u deal with, about where they will pick u up..Different Homestay, will take their visitor at different Jetty), you will reach Pulau Mabul. Sepanjang perjalanan boat, our eyes will be served by very beautiful view of the ocean, floating houses, small islands, boats, fisherman and etc.If you lucky, you can see turtles ambik nafas di permukaan air!!! ;) Thats too cute! It is easy to get to Pulau Mabul, but please make sure you spend ur times right!! I mean, why go Mabul if not snorkeling/diving? Its a waste, because return boat ride Semporna - Mabul cost Rm100!!!

This is the boat yang responsible ambik/hantar me and friends!! ;)

About the homestay, there are many homestays available in Pulau Mabul! Berdekatan dengan Pulau Mabul ni, ada Pulau Sipadan and Pulau Kapalai. There is no resort/homestay in Sipadan. You have to stay in Mabul/Kapalai, if you want to go Sipadan! Sipadan is the Most Beautiful Island in Malaysia. Mabul is the second one. So, as a student yang bajet xberapa ada, I search for the cheapest homestay available in Mabul..and I found Scuba Jeff Home Stay..You can check it here, or to direct asking him, find him at Facebook, Scuba Jeff. The comfortable room have 2 single-bed and 1 kipas. Toilet is at outside. But dont worry, the toilet is clean. FYI, for every homestay they offer different package of activities. As i choosed 2D1N package, it consist snorkeling, island walk, dinner + lunch + breakfast. Lets start about my experience in MABUL!!!!! The real one, I copy this from my notes in Facebook since I dont have time to re-write in different style. I hope u can undesrtand, since I used Sabahan Words.. ;)

19th n 20th of June 2010, me,my sis,rasmah,echa,jue and rini pegi mabul..

Me and friends pergi Semporna by bus, sampai Semporna we terus headed to jetty in front SEAFEST HOTEL where the botman waiting for us. After all ready (pakai safety jacket and on),bot pun vrooooooooooooooommmmmm.....Sepanjang jalan laut pi mabul,10minit pertama..menjerit2 mcm naik roller coaster bah..!!pastu,diam2 sdh sket...sbb perjalanan p mabul..45minit!!!! imagine jaklah..bontot di kayu,kaki mata..melihat yang indah2 shj!!!Sampai jak di homestay scuba jeff,kami di welcome oleh smua..hehe..and mo naik p homestay satu hal ya!haha..kena langkah dri bot trus pnjt p atas...uinaaa!!!! gila...kaki i ni pendek jak.trus i pon mnta d kasi trun d dpan sket..trus bsh sluar!! huh.kna air.ok..trus kami di kasi bilik..n abg jeff trus "10minits!!! kt nak pegi snorkeling"wow..macam orientasi!haha....trus kelam kabut!!ak,ras and rini bawa beg bsar smua..echa bw beg laptop bab2 baju ni,echa plak yg berbagai2 baju2nya..kami tiga memikir 3 jam mo pki apa.huh!haha..

Lpas kami siap,kami p snorkeling di Paradise!!!amazing brenti di tgh2 laut,bkn p tepi pantai.. stop d tgh laut,and psg tangga besi di hujung bot..and kt kena trun di sebabkan bdn shazryenna dalang besar,tarikan graviti kuat..stiap kali trun guna tu tangga,kompem jatuh.. botman pon tnya yg masih ada d bot "dia terjun ka?" (mksud=bunyi jatuh mcm terjunan olimpik).haha...
This is the 'tangga' which nearly kill me! Hee... (Terjunan Olimpik)

Kami p snorkeling pertama ni dgn 2 minah salleh,yang buat research. They all masuk air dulu, then one of them come out and said "its amazing!". Tu yg me kelam kabut mo mati,trus trun dri bot and trjatuh lg.hish!!! nasib baik I ni pro..haha...Kami smua trun satu persatu...kcuali c jue.haha..agak 5 jam dia d ats di pujuk2..baru turun..ketakutan! c echa ak xblame sbb to snorkeling utk first time di tgh2 laut,mmg bahaya..and yet,kwn2 smua dpt snorkeling!!!!! =)
At paradise, Luasssssssssssssssss sangat.kita rs mcm xbyk ikan.sdangkan sbnarnya sgt2 byk!!! The coral was great..echa and jue di bawa oleh guide.sorang satu..yang kami empat (ak,ras,kakak ak,rini) independent ..but we re ok!tp kelebihan ada guide,laju and blh tgk snorkeling pertama nie,jue n echa manage to see TURTLES!!! ak mmg kecewa lah xnmpk penyu awl2 ni.. apa ndak,rsnya inilah snorkeling paling jauh dlm hidup ak..1km mungkin!!! demi penyu..skali smpi2 tmpt tu,xda yang bestnya..sepanjang n my sis,byk d tgkp gmbr oleh adik guide tu.haha...esp masa kami di kelilingi ikan alu-alu..haha..!!! best moments!!! tapi scary, sbb ikan2 ni berenang mengelilingi me and sister..lama..we have to float without moving smpai ikan2 ni berenang ke tempat lain, than we continue swimming. Memang dalam lah lautnya tu!!!!!!! before naik bot,i di kelilingi oleh ikan2 biru besar tpk tghn..heee...I LIKE!!!!!
Can u see the ikan alu alu surrounding me and my sis?? ;) at Paradise.

Subhanallah!! So many..They swimming just below us! at Paradise.

Petang tu,kami snorkeling lagi di Lobster Reef,ni lagi seram..serius tengah2 laut!!!! ada dua bahagian...laut hijau and biru gelap..biru gelap ni dlm sgt2!!! xnampak apa di bawah sdh! masa ni,kami smua nampak penyu, gilak!! ak mati2 mengejar rini,ras,jue and echa utk p tgk penyu....kakak ku d blakang tinggal.gayat dia..takut sgt!! then i paksa adik guide tu ambik my sis,bawak p tmpt kami..sbb memang serious seram!!!! but choral apa smua bwh tu.SUBHANALLAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!...i cant say a word...first time nampak Penyu tu,melekat di tepi bhgn yg mo ke curam tu..mcm xblh bernfs! sesak!! terkejut..btapa besarnya penyu tu!!! then kami ke belakang sket,kami nmpk lg 1 ekor.di bawah pon besar gilakkkkkkkk!!! ak tunggu jak dia berenang naik ke permukaan sgt2!!ms tu rs mo xmo lah emosional sgt. hahahaa....but sblom tu,mo mo trun d tangga bot tu,still ya..terjunan x sengaja tu.hahaha...(Unfortunately, none of the guide take the Big Turtles picture.. T.T)

Puas nampak turtle,kami pon balik homestay..mandi2..minum ptang..and jam 5 ptg,kami d bawa jalan2 oleh dua org c echa n jue x silap.haha...pulau mabul ni ada perkampungan.sebahagian tu totally kampung,sebahagian lagi totally lah..tgk bdk2 laki telanjang,main2 dpan rumah.hahahahaha!!!! sdang jln2 dgn bestnya..kami jmpa kedai cenderahati..yg pandainya,sorg pon x bawa duit..jadi 3 org rajin,rini,jue n echa balik homestay ambik duit...ak,kak shella and ras tunggu di kedai.ak rasa,kalau kami baca buku sains..sempat habis cover form 1,2,3 punya bab..punya lama mnunggu dorg!!! hahahaa....lepas habis round,kami balik homestay..
Some of souveniours u can buy from Mabul.

Best Buddies! 10years together! ;) (Pakaian agak lame!haha)

Again, ;) We at Sipadan Water Village Resort (Riches jak can stay here)

Dinner was great..Lpas mkn,smua staff and pelancong lain kumpul..main2 gitar nyanyi2... !! Esoknya(20 june),pagi2 bangun..dgn x sarapan..i trus snorkeling lagi dgn rini pd mulanya..hehe..then,rasmah n my sis join,pelancong lain join,abg jeff,and guide2!! snorkeling ramai2...part xbest..baju mungkin terselak masa snorkeling,dorg lah puas...hahaha..nampak ikan..nampak lagi perut2 kita.hahaha...siang tu,echa n jue x snorkeling..lama gilak snorkeling pgi2 ni...pas pnat snorkeling,gilaaaa....lapar trus..p dapur minta srpn. hahaa...pas tu,mandi..lunch buat kali terakhir...plancong lain tu blanja lobster..haha..last,kami gmbr2 dgn staf2..salam2 smua...and menanam niat utk datang lagi!!!!!!!
Isn't this cute? In front the homestay! ;)


Zebra Fish.. ;)

Ikan Layar.. ;)

When I saw this, I though ULAR, I cepat2 come out from water..rupanya EEL! :(

This Nemo is very friendly!! He will kiss u!

The Black Mamba! Haha.. ;)

Ikan ni suka menyamar..He likes to hide!

Cute! ;)

The last meal I had before back, the LOBSTER!! But I Like Crab and Prawn more! ;)
After have lunch, we all pun balik to Semporna, and berpisah ke rumah masing-masing. ;) WE LOVE MABULLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!

Tips Ke sini::
1- Search homestay yang sesuai dengan bajet anda, I cadangkan mcm yang atas tu lah. ;)
2- Bring pakaian yang sesuai, lg snang pakai swimming suit muslimah tu, for girls. ;)
3- If u want to come here from smnanjung, ambik flight KL-Tawau. Then, from Tawau, naik bus/taxi/homestay arrange to the jetty..and continue mcm I tell above! If u dont want to terus ke Pulau, u can stay overnight at SEAFEST HOTEL or at DRAGON INN..The room rate is ok and the rooms are comfortable (As me and family have stayed there many times)
4-If from Sabah, direct jak lah terus ke SEmporna!
5- PLEEASE BOOK EARLY!!! mcm us, we went on June, but I book everythings since January!
6-PLEASE check the season.because we are dealing with OCEAN!!

Friday 8 July 2011

Cara gosok gigi yang betul!

Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahtera!!!

Hmm.. Most of iklan berust gigi in Tv, smua show the wrong way of brushing gigi. I dont know about u, tapi when i was in primary school..ada Jabatan Kesihatan datang, and check our gigi..That time lah, the nurse ajar how to berus gigi dengan betul.. To check kebersihan gigi, we can check guna lidah kita sendiri, cuba rasa permukaan gigi atas,bawah,bhgn depan dan belakang..klu rasa kasar2,mksudnya kotor lah. biasa pas makan, mmg kasar lah gigi kt, sbb taik gigi lah...(yang ni cara xperlu dentist lah!haha...)..

Contoh gigi, ini bukan gigi saya!
Cara berus gigi yang betul:
1- Untuk gigi atas, ikut arah anak panah (hijau) sahaja...hanya 1 arah! Jangan diberus pergi balik (return) sebab,kotoran dekat gigi tu nanti..bila dah di keluarkan kebawah( brus ikut anak panah), akan masuk balik ke gusi jika kita return berusan kita!! Faham x??
2- Untuk kawasan gigi yang di gunakan untuk mengigit tu...gosok seperti anak panah yang ke kanan tu..itu baru sm cara gosokannya dengan yang kat TV
3- Untuk gigi bawah, bayangkan ja image di atas ni dalam keadaan terbalik..SAMA sahaja..

Cara berusan gigi ni sangat penting untuk di ikuti sebab kalau tidak,akan ada lapisan kuning or already turn to coklat-coklat kat kawasan yang berwarna kuning dalam gambar di atas...

Kawasan kuning tu, antara gusi dengan gigi adalah kawasan pengumpulan tahi gigi atau nama spesifiknya TAIK GIGI sp..ok. Maka dengan itu, penting untuk berus gigi (Step 1) tanpa RETURN.

I applied this method since I was taught to brush this way, and my teeth are fine. I ajar Dek Lai jugak dengan cara ni, and masa dia darjah 5, ada pertandingan gigi bersih (Jabatan Jesihatan dtg to his school)..and He dapat ANUGERAH GIGI BERSIH!!! Haha...ok, now Remember, KEBERSIHAN and WARNA adalah berlainan. Jangan pulak lepas try method ni 2 bulan, u all sue I sebab x putih2 gigi!no!no! sebab Warna gigi memang macam tu..(Sedangkan Darlie yang salt crystal tu pun x effective within 2 weeks!!!)..Warna gigi kita mmg mcm ni..ada yang kuning, ada yang putih, putih kuning2 and bukan lah biru,merah,hijau..setakat ni belum jumpa lagi lah! (ahhahhaha)...So, klu mmg warna gigi kita kuning, it doesnt matter! Yang penting BERSIH!!!!!!! ("BERSIH" .KUNING..lain macam pulak..

So, as a conlcusion (<---assignment) anda try lah berus gigi this way...and lepas tu,cuba cek guna lidah anda tu...cek smua gigi,ada kasar2 lagi or not? klu ada..mngkin berus gigi anda sudah botak di mana2..ok? tips, berus gigi kena tukar every 3 months!!! :) For me, I like berus gigi yang biasa and lurus sahaja..xperlu ada 360! and boleh putar sana sini..sbb kita tau cara berus gigi yng betul! =)

Thanks for reading. Bye. (<---hahhaha.)

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Rezeki Tuhan

Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahtera... :) (Mode baik nie)

Lately, too many status my friends (one from me too) on Facebook said tentang kerja...antaranya status mcm ni lah ----> xdpt keja,susahnya nak cri keja,klu keja kena ada experience... Here, I want to share a true cute story.. :)

Pada zaman dahulu, (ni bukan bedtime story!! jangan tido!) Nabi Sulaiman A.S tengok ada sekor semut ni non stop working. (maaf...ayat yang digunakan adalah ayat sendiri...mungkin x seformal seperti kisah-kisah nabi yang lain..).. Nabi ni hairan tengok semut ni.. Nabi terasa ingin tahu berapa banyak agaknya makanan yang di kumpul and di makan oleh semut tu, sebab they not stop working.. Then, one day..Nabi ambik seekor semut and kurung adik tu. (Adik= semut..hormat sikit!).. Nabi letakkan sebutir gula (If i not mistaken, sebab this story I read long time ago..Jadi mungkin x betul, tapi Nabi memang kurung adik tu and letak FOOD)..

Nabi kurung adik tu hari ni, and letak sebutir gula tu..and then, esoknya Nabi tengok lah adik tu.. Dia hairan 1 butir gula tu hanya setengah di makan oleh adk tu..Nabi pun bertanya..Lebih kurang macam di bawah lah..

Nabi: Mut (panggilan manja semut) , Kenapa ko x habiskan ja gula yang aku bagi tu??
Adik: Mut risau..Mut takut..Mut makan sikit2..
Nabi: Aik..kenapa pulak risau? Kan aku ada..Aku mesti bagi ko lagi,kalau gula tu dah habis..
Adik: Bukan apa..Mut risau Nabi lupa bagi gula pada Mut. Kalau di luar sana, Mut x risau..sebab ALLAH XPERNAH LUPA UNTUK BAGI REZEKI..dan REZEKI ALLAH TU DI MANA-MANA..Mut tinggal cari sahaja..klu dlm kurungan, Mut takut Nabi lupa..sebab tu Mut x abiskan gula ni... :(

Moral of the story, kepada rakan-rakan seperjuangan atau x seperjuangan..JANGAN KITA PUTUS ASA..sebab ALLAH ada. :)

Thanks.Bye! (<--hahahahaha)

Sunday 3 July 2011


Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera.. :)

I want to express my opinion. (skema!). Setiap orang memang berbeza.. to start writing ya.. Ok, for muslims, biasanya kalau sedang bercalling (membuat panggilan)..ada yang akan greet/start with  Assalamualaikum and End with Assalamualaikum too... That is a good things, because maksud ASSALAMUALAIKUM tu is PEACE BE UPON YOU..mendoakan pihak kedualah maksudnya tu..
walaubagaimanapun, ramai drp kita x sedar..yang kadang-kadang ASSALAMUALAIKUM itu sudah bertukar jadi beberapa ungkapan lain seperti:

3-Paling dashat..dengar KOM jak..

Semua ungkapan di atas ni, tiada maksud. Tapi xblh sure jugak. Manalah tau kalau yang Samekom tu bermaksud I LOVE YOU dlm bhs uganda?? and Assamuekom tu pulak AKU SUKA MAKAN KAMBING dalam bahasa korea? I dont know..and entah-entah KOM dalam Tamil bermaksud CERIA??..oo man..I seriously do not know sebab I speak Malay,English sahaja..Hee...and little tamil (mau jugak letak tamil.pdhal baby2 tamil lagi banyak tahu bahasa nya drp I ..).

Apa-apa pun, saya rasa kita sepatutnya memperbaiki/memperbetulkan ungkapan tersebut.. sebutlah dengan betul.. ASSALAMUALAIKUM..and sertakan niat yang ikhlas mendoakan pihak kedua.. Mau crita sikit, my baby brother..klu mau masuk rumah, and he greeting, I heard huruf A,S,L and Kom only..I buat xtau dlm rumah..and he will know, by me silent sambil tgk Rafael Nadal (my boyfriend) main tennis, he knows that I want him to bagi salam betul2...and then he said ASSALAMUALAIKUM..baru lah I laju2 sepantas baby cheetah chomel berlari menuju pintu membuka kunci untuknya!!

And kalau my friend/family calling, I admit its a bit awkward to say ASSALAMUALAIKUM because Im not educated to do that. My family especially, We start with Hello and end with BYE..but I slowly start to say ASSALAMUALAIKUM.. :)

I hope we can together practice the kalimah with correct pronounciation and meaning. :)
(serious pulak post this time).. Bye! (<--- Hahahahaa)

Frequently Asked Interview Questions [Soalan yang biasa di tanya semasa temuduga]

Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahter.. ;)

Hari ni,I want to share tips about my post tittle.Xkan lah mau crita pasal kenapa my neighbor basuh kereta baru dia hari-hari kan? (hahahahaha)  Since ramai my friends yang dapat call untuk interview, so here I help. Because I have attend banyak courses and talk about this topic (the tittle)..Tapi, I sendiri belum ada peluang untuk praktis kan semua ni, sebab I belum dapat offer utk temuduga. Sejak abis degree mei lepas, ada lah sekali I got offer untuk jadi kimia teacher (tuition), tapi I sedarlah jugak myself.. (saya bodok kimia)... Aduii.melalut lah plak..ok2.Back to topic. Di sebab kan I study dekat IPTA yang offer semua Engineering courses, so most of talk and courses I attend tu share questions based on Engineering Industry lah.Tapi jangan risau..jangan risau!! jangan lah risau!!! (Ada kah yg risau?) Tips ni boleh di guna pakai untuk semua industri.Thus, below is frequently asked semasa interview:

1-Tell me something about yourself..
Soalan macam ni, bukan boleh jawab macam kita di tanya masa kita sekolah rendah dulu. Dimana kt akan jawab, mknn kegemaran,minuman kegemarn,orang yang di benci,org yg di,no!!! bukan itu..tetapi ini:

a)Education (CGPA,Award-award yang kita penah dpt during study)
b)Future Goal
c)Potential Contribution (linked dengan the company..klu minta part time KFC, xperlu lah crita thesis kt yang 300 muka surat tu..and crita apa yg kt blh contribute!)
d)Professional Achievement (Pernah ikut any tournament/exhibition/rekacipta or anything)

2-Why you want to work here?
Jangan sesekali ckp I TERPAKSA,SEBAB DAH XDA KERJA LAIN..(hahahaha),no no no..Even the job is for ur temporary, you should be polite lah. Kita kena answer tentang..

a) The company (Cerita tentang kejayaan/kehebatan company tu...Search ans study!!!..and tell lah sebab kejayaan2 company tu lah, you also want to join the company to be the best too)
b) The position you are applying (Cth: Droughperson..You bgtau lah you ada sijil autocad and then, you dah praktiskan knowledge tu, masa internship pun u ada practice skill autocad you..and yg penting, tell why u worht to them.. )

3-What are your best skills? (Strength)
Untuk ini, kita kena research dulu pasal company nie, and list out apa agaknya skill2 yang company tu, you tell lah. Tapi honest lah,jangan pandai-pandai plak..Nanti you sendiri susah.

4-What is your weakness?
Ada 2 cara unntuk jawab soalan macam ni.Contoh..
a) I often worry too much over my work. Sometimes I work late to make sure the job is well done! (nampak macam mengada-ngadakan? tapi thats how u sell urself..during day.hahaha..bukan  night)
b) I am not outspoken/talkative/nervous person. HOWEVER, I have attend many courses and talk on how to manage them. And LUCKILY now I am turning to a better person.

Nampak x beza 2 tu?? yang A tu, memang macam xda weakness..weakness tu nmpk mcm stregth..tapi yang B, nampak jujur..memang weakness, tapi ada EFFORT untuk mengatasi...

5-How do u prefer to work- by urself or with others?
Better bagitau kita ni flexible ..can work in both condition,tp sometimes it depends...

6-What are your career aspiration?
Masa ni, kita kaitkan dengan mission and vission company tu.. Konon-konon nampak macam ada kaitan lah.. :)

7-What are your interest other than work? (what is your hobby)
Whatever your hobby is, please add one yang sporty!! Because company suka worker yang aktif! Janganlah cakap hobi main game 38jam sehari..or main angry birds 34 jam sehari... :[ can say jogging,hiking,swimming.. :) (i love swimming!!!)

8-What salary do u expect?
Kita kena cek dulu, untuk positio yang kt apply tu, biasa nya berapa range gaji..then u can state..tapi ingat, kalau dia x tanya..YOU jangan tanya dia berapa sallary yang dia offer..sebab biasanya salary tu dia bgtau masa 2nd interview...

9-Is there something you want to ask? (Ni last2 biasanya)
Use this chance to summarize ur good characteristics and attributes..and how they may used to benefit the organisation.Kt blh jgk tnya, macam mana sesi interview kt tadi.ada harapan x?kalau mau tau lah..heee..

10-What if u cant work with your fellow workers?
Ok ni soalan bentuk permasalahan (macam salah eja jak???)..masa ni, kta gun aphrases seperti.. "willingness to learn".."adaptation".."understanding the system".."blend into the culture".."be humble,learn from them"..

Actually I ada banyak lagi tips, tp hari ni..biar ini saja dulu. Kepada semua yang bakal ke temuduga, SELAMAT BERJAYA!!!!!!! :)

p/s:menghadiri interview tu sudah 50% kita dapat kerja...(faham x ayat nie?)..Bye!

Saturday 2 July 2011

Kepentingan Mami!

Assalamualaikum and Salam 1 Malaysia ...(Masih Satu Malaysia ka??)

Tonight my mom will come back here at LD..Akhirnya...
Sejak my mom stay at KK, to take care 'site' there..I replace her.100% replace..
Susah rupanya jadi seorang mami..atau apa-apa saja panggilan yang diguna..ibu/mak/mama/mamak/bonda/umi!
Here, I stay with Dek Lai (my baby brother)..Bukan senang mau jaga Dek Lai walaupun sudah 13 tahun!!
grrrrrrrrrrrrr...Kadang-kadang mau di tengking,terajang ( cara kami bermanja)...baru dia mau buat apa yang I minta tolong..

Kerja-kerja seorang mami:
1-Masak Sarapan
2-Basuh Baju (kalau guna machine automatic tu xpa, byk masa utk kerja klu mcm us?? :[ ..bilas,sabun,bilas,spin,bilas,spin...)
3-Sidai Baju

Between Pagi - Tengah Hari:
1-Sedia lunch..( potong2 bawang,rendam seafood or anything, potong2 sayur,masak nasi)
2-Masak Lunch..
3-Lepas Lunch, basuh dishes..

1-Sedia makan petang..apa2 lah..cucur ka..pisang goreng ka..teh panas! (setakat ni, I buat cucur udang bawang! Heee... They like it.)
2-Ambik baju yang di jemur tadi.

1-Prepare dinner (sbb dadi suka makan panas2)
2-Basuh dishes
3-Lipat Baju..

Perrghhhhh..Ini everyday!! Nasib my dadi, selerenya biasa-biasa.. untuk lunch sayur tumis,ikan goreng,sup kuning ikan... Jadi! xpayahlah I mau buat kari ayamlah,rendang daging..Hee... :)
Banyak masalah timbul, when my dad bought seafood such udang and ketam. Unfortunately, I xpandai masak yang hebat-hebat.Sebab I kan muda lagi.. (Muda kepala tengkorak!)..Ketam pun rebus serai jak..kalau mami ada, confirm2 masak lemak cili padi..Udang pun, I goreng jak..kalau mami ada, confirm2 masak sambal udang! Huwaaaa......

Maka disini, saya dengah rendah hati...menasihati "penganggur sementara" seperti saya, untuk MEMBANTU mami/ibu/mama/mak/umi kita.. because its not easy..

Oklah, Thats all..Now, I mau jemur kain (jam 12tgh hari sdh)..and lepas tu prepare lunch..(jadual di atas untuk mami2 jak..yg penganggur macam I,lewat xpa..)


Sawang Labah-Labah

Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahtera Semua!!!!!!!!!! (Berdiri atas batu besar sambil di hembus angin sepoi-sepoi matematik)... :)

First time buat blog months ago, bukan main excited lagi!!!! Hahahaha.. Tapi, lepas 3 post yang xberapa hebat tapi di harap dapat membantu, terus off..Ini di sebabkan oleh (tiba-tiba explain):

1- Final Year Project during that time..Masa tu (berbulan-bulan lepas) I was a student lg..So, xdpt fully commitment to this blog (ada mak kesah??)

2-Final Exam.. Erghh..

3-Internet my school pun x support blogger nie..Siap di block lagi! Heee..

So, sekarang saya berstatus seperti di bawah:

1- Menganggur
2-Suri Rumah sepenuh masa. Memandangkan mami saya sibuk jaga 'site' at KK. :( Saya mengambil alih tugas mengurus rumah! 100%.
3-Pencari kerja tegar. Almost everyday I sent out my resume to random company.. (xdelah random..pilih jgak..).
4-Penonton Tenis yang Tegar!!!! (xblh buat apa..Rafael Nadal loves me)

For refreshing, ini je lah dlu! :) (ada ka org baca blog aku nie?)

Sunday 27 March 2011

Pahang:: Bukit Tinggi

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and Salam Sejahtera... (skema...! sdh jwb slm blum?)

This time, RJ wants to tell about my trip to Bukit Tinggi. I went there on February 2011. It is a very nice and awesome place to go!! Bukit Tinggi is located at Pahang. RJ comes here from Kuala Lumpur, so we (RJ and friends) take about one hour drive to reach here. At Taman Bukit, ada banyak tempat-tempat menarik, and yang paling utama (main attraction) here is the Colmar Tropicale.It is a replica of a collection of buildings from a north-eastern village in France dating back to the 16th Century.So, ada feel macam pergi oversea lah..!! Heee...

The Entrance of the Colmar Tropicale (snap gambar pun senget benget..heeee)

The view from the tower.

RJ's friends. ;)

The buildings inside the Colmar Tropicale

The 'oversea' view. ;)
 For your imformation, Bukit Tinggi ni terbahagi kepada beberapa bahagian:
1.Colmar Tropicale
2.Japanese Village
3.Rabbit Park
4.Bukit Tinggi Golf Club

Lepas RJ jalan-jalan,and snap-snap pic kat Colmar Tropical, agak-agak lemak kaki dah cair sikit,kitorang pun pergi kat Japanese Village!! ;)

RJ and friends in front of cute japanese house.

Entrance to the Tatami Spa

Ala-ala Japanese landscape

Cute right?

Friends.. ;)
Japanese House
 Actually, at Japanese Village ni..kita boleh rent kimono, to look lagi real.Konon-konon betul-betul (banyaknya kata ganda!haha..) macam kat Japan. Kimono rental cost rm10. ;) Tapi masa RJ pegi ni, dah petang..lari-lari dalam taman ni sebab pak guard dok tiup2 wisel suruh keluar!grrrrr....xsempat nak berabisan tangkap gambar!

After round-round Japanese Village, RJ and friends pergi lak ke French Palace. Tmpt ni dekat dgn Colmar tadi.. ;)

Konon-konon model! ;)

This is the French Castle ( I uploaded this one first appear last)
 After snap sana sini (sorry, pic terlalu banyak untuk di upload semua..letak 2 untuk this part is enough)..Then, we go to rabbit park. Tapi dah close, sbb as I mentioned, dah petang sangat.. So, come to the tips.
1.From KL, you take Karak Highway to get here. Remember, u will jumpa first sign board tulis KAMPUNG BUKIT TINGGI, dont go inside. Its not it..and also, if u jumpa signboard tulis Beverly Resort and ada terselit perkataan BUKIT TINGGI kat ats board tu, hah!! MAsuk!! kat situlah..!!! Haha... ;)
2. Entrance for all is Rm12 for adult. But utk masuk Rabbit Park ada charge lain.
3.Pakai baju tebal2,lengan panjang..sebab Bukit Tinggi ni 2700 kaki from sea level! Sejut sangat tau!! RJ xpa,RJ byk lemak..!! haha..
4.Bawa makanan sendiri, sebab on top here..makanan semua mahal-mahal.. ;) (student mesti kena bajet-bajet sikit..)
5.Kalau plan nak datang sini, datang awal-awal..sebab tmpat ni luas sangat...3jam xcukup!

RJ rasa tu ja kot tips yang boleh di share. If anything, ask ja/drop comments ok! Thanks for reading.

Saturday 26 March 2011

Sabah:: Manukan Island

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and Salam Sejahtera!!!!! ;)

Today, RatuJalan ingin (wah..skema! xtahan.haha).. berkongsi about Manukan Island. Manukan Island ni actually lies in Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park (TARP). In TARP, ada 5 islands; Manukan, Mamutik, Gaya, Sapi and Sulug. Since I only went to Manukan Island (3times! because the island is awesome and near to KK), so this post is more about manukan lah ea...I will slip information about other islands too..

Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park

To go this 5 islands, we have to take boat at Jesselton Point (the jetty). In the jetty, there will be many travel agents, offering many different package. For average people like me, I will go to the cheapest package (same with the mabul case..heee..)..I dont know how to tell in long story pasal nie, so I jump to the tips teruslah.
Tips and Info::

1. Buy return ticket (any islands u want to go) dekat kaunter paling close dengan toilet. That counter the cheapest. Jetty-Manukan only Rm15.
2. Better rent snorkeling equipment (if u dont dive, u snokeling! COMPULSORY!!!! the underwater is SUBHANALLAH) dekat kaunter ni terus. Sebab kat island nanti,lagi mahal!!
3.Bring own food, KFC,McD,Sandwiches,Nasi Bungkus ka..hehe..sebab makanan kat Island,mahal!! Ice cream bodo-bodo ja pun almost rm5!
4.Bring Camera ( u all pon almaklum kot!!!!)
5.If u go Manukan, port snorkeling yang best dekat pondok life guard! Its far from the manukan jetty, but the underwater at this port is the most beautiful..the coral!! tempat lain pun cantik, too many beautifull at this port,u can see many coral!!! ;)
6.Please go early,many people want to go this u can enjoy there and be back at city at evening!

Ok,Bayaran-bayaran yang perlu di sediakan:
1.Return boat ticket (depends on how many island u go..if manukan, Rm15)
2.Snorkeling Equipment (Goggle + Life Jacket) = Rm15
3.Jetty Tax = Rm6 (adult), Rm3(Child)
4.TARP entrance fee = Rm3 (Adult), Rm1 (Child)

If u afraid to do snorkeling/dive, you can do scooba-doo. Its a scooter riding underwater! Its so fun!!

The fishes. RJ ambik kat google, since I dnt have many pictures of this fishes.

The Scooba-Doo. Also copy from google..

The Jesseltopn Point main gate!

During my third time going there! See...many people!!

3rd times, riding the same boat! (sebab same cheap travel agent)

Mamutik Island..Sempat snap, transit sini ambik tourist lain.

Manukan Island. Isnt it beauty??

Mamutik Island.

So, RJ hopes this post can help u to come here!!! For those coming from outside Sabah, you can rent any hotel in KK city and still easy to get to Jesselton Point. :)

Sabah:: Sahabat Beach Resort

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and Salam Sejahtera!!! Hello to intertanional people! (Macam ada! Heee...)

Sahabat Beach Resort (SBR) ni terletak 1 and a half hour drive from Lahad Datu City (Act,depend on the driver,for my dad its 2 hours.heeee....).Specialnya about this place is its far from crowded city, can relax your mind and have fun with family. SBR pernah masuk ASTRO channel Tamil International as one of interesting places to go, so here I am to help u out! ;)

The resort. (view from parking lot)

The lobby.

The playground at the back of the resort, facing the beach.

The rooms.

Walk Trail to the beach from the resort.

The swimming pool.

The beach.

The swimming pool again.
The beach. Very nice to picnic. ;)

The jetty, we can jalan-jalan or fishing at night! ;)
The Entrance.( I uploaded this one first, but appear last..dont know)
Its bad I dont have many pitures of it, but for Sabahan, you are suggested to came here. ;)
Interesting places around this resort:
-Small Golf Club (on its right)
-Mini Zoo (5minutes drive from resort)
-Sport Centre (Futsal, Tennis, Football, Badminton, Table Tennis, Netball..This is provided for the residents in Felda Sahabat, but you are free to use)

1- From Lahad Datu Town, you take Tungku-Felda Sahabat highway.
2-If you from KL, the easiest way is to land at Lahad Datu airport(KK-LD).
3-If u landed at Tawau, Tawau - LD (2 and a half hours drive) , LD - Sahabat ( 1 and half hours drive)
 4-For reservation at SBR, call 089-811300. 

Enjoy!! ;)

Friday 25 March 2011

Sabah:: Mabul Island

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and Salam sejahtera..(Sudah jawab salam ka??..haha..)

Ok, For the starting of my humble escape, I'll like to begin with Mabul Island! Because, for is the best island i ever been to!! (TERIMA KASIH TUHAN!!! *berkata dgn penuh semangat!)..Pulau Mabul is located near Bandar Semporna. To get there, you have to go SEMPORNA, then by almost 1hour boat ride from jetty (Ask you Homestay u deal with, about where they will pick u up..Different Homestay, will take their visitor at different Jetty), you will reach Pulau Mabul. Sepanjang perjalanan boat, our eyes will be served by very beautiful view of the ocean, floating houses, small islands, boats, fisherman and etc.If you lucky, you can see turtles ambik nafas di permukaan air!!! ;) Thats too cute! It is easy to get to Pulau Mabul, but please make sure you spend ur times right!! I mean, why go Mabul if not snorkeling/diving? Its a waste, because return boat ride Semporna - Mabul cost Rm100!!!

This is the boat yang responsible ambik/hantar me and friends!! ;)

About the homestay, there are many homestays available in Pulau Mabul! Berdekatan dengan Pulau Mabul ni, ada Pulau Sipadan and Pulau Kapalai. There is no resort/homestay in Sipadan. You have to stay in Mabul/Kapalai, if you want to go Sipadan! Sipadan is the Most Beautiful Island in Malaysia. Mabul is the second one. So, as a student yang bajet xberapa ada, I search for the cheapest homestay available in Mabul..and I found Scuba Jeff Home Stay..You can check it here, or to direct asking him, find him at Facebook, Scuba Jeff. The comfortable room have 2 single-bed and 1 kipas. Toilet is at outside. But dont worry, the toilet is clean. FYI, for every homestay they offer different package of activities. As i choosed 2D1N package, it consist snorkeling, island walk, dinner + lunch + breakfast. Lets start about my experience in MABUL!!!!! The real one, I copy this from my notes in Facebook since I dont have time to re-write in different style. I hope u can undesrtand, since I used Sabahan Words.. ;)

19th n 20th of June 2010, me,my sis,rasmah,echa,jue and rini pegi mabul..

Me and friends pergi Semporna by bus, sampai Semporna we terus headed to jetty in front SEAFEST HOTEL where the botman waiting for us. After all ready (pakai safety jacket and on),bot pun vrooooooooooooooommmmmm.....Sepanjang jalan laut pi mabul,10minit pertama..menjerit2 mcm naik roller coaster bah..!!pastu,diam2 sdh sket...sbb perjalanan p mabul..45minit!!!! imagine jaklah..bontot di kayu,kaki mata..melihat yang indah2 shj!!!Sampai jak di homestay scuba jeff,kami di welcome oleh smua..hehe..and mo naik p homestay satu hal ya!haha..kena langkah dri bot trus pnjt p atas...uinaaa!!!! gila...kaki i ni pendek jak.trus i pon mnta d kasi trun d dpan sket..trus bsh sluar!! huh.kna air.ok..trus kami di kasi bilik..n abg jeff trus "10minits!!! kt nak pegi snorkeling"wow..macam orientasi!haha....trus kelam kabut!!ak,ras and rini bawa beg bsar smua..echa bw beg laptop bab2 baju ni,echa plak yg berbagai2 baju2nya..kami tiga memikir 3 jam mo pki apa.huh!haha..

Lpas kami siap,kami p snorkeling di Paradise!!!amazing brenti di tgh2 laut,bkn p tepi pantai.. stop d tgh laut,and psg tangga besi di hujung bot..and kt kena trun di sebabkan bdn shazryenna dalang besar,tarikan graviti kuat..stiap kali trun guna tu tangga,kompem jatuh.. botman pon tnya yg masih ada d bot "dia terjun ka?" (mksud=bunyi jatuh mcm terjunan olimpik).haha...
This is the 'tangga' which nearly kill me! Hee... (Terjunan Olimpik)

Kami p snorkeling pertama ni dgn 2 minah salleh,yang buat research. They all masuk air dulu, then one of them come out and said "its amazing!". Tu yg me kelam kabut mo mati,trus trun dri bot and trjatuh lg.hish!!! nasib baik I ni pro..haha...Kami smua trun satu persatu...kcuali c jue.haha..agak 5 jam dia d ats di pujuk2..baru turun..ketakutan! c echa ak xblame sbb to snorkeling utk first time di tgh2 laut,mmg bahaya..and yet,kwn2 smua dpt snorkeling!!!!! =)
At paradise, Luasssssssssssssssss sangat.kita rs mcm xbyk ikan.sdangkan sbnarnya sgt2 byk!!! The coral was great..echa and jue di bawa oleh guide.sorang satu..yang kami empat (ak,ras,kakak ak,rini) independent ..but we re ok!tp kelebihan ada guide,laju and blh tgk snorkeling pertama nie,jue n echa manage to see TURTLES!!! ak mmg kecewa lah xnmpk penyu awl2 ni.. apa ndak,rsnya inilah snorkeling paling jauh dlm hidup ak..1km mungkin!!! demi penyu..skali smpi2 tmpt tu,xda yang bestnya..sepanjang n my sis,byk d tgkp gmbr oleh adik guide tu.haha...esp masa kami di kelilingi ikan alu-alu..haha..!!! best moments!!! tapi scary, sbb ikan2 ni berenang mengelilingi me and sister..lama..we have to float without moving smpai ikan2 ni berenang ke tempat lain, than we continue swimming. Memang dalam lah lautnya tu!!!!!!! before naik bot,i di kelilingi oleh ikan2 biru besar tpk tghn..heee...I LIKE!!!!!
Can u see the ikan alu alu surrounding me and my sis?? ;) at Paradise.

Subhanallah!! So many..They swimming just below us! at Paradise.

Petang tu,kami snorkeling lagi di Lobster Reef,ni lagi seram..serius tengah2 laut!!!! ada dua bahagian...laut hijau and biru gelap..biru gelap ni dlm sgt2!!! xnampak apa di bawah sdh! masa ni,kami smua nampak penyu, gilak!! ak mati2 mengejar rini,ras,jue and echa utk p tgk penyu....kakak ku d blakang tinggal.gayat dia..takut sgt!! then i paksa adik guide tu ambik my sis,bawak p tmpt kami..sbb memang serious seram!!!! but choral apa smua bwh tu.SUBHANALLAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!...i cant say a word...first time nampak Penyu tu,melekat di tepi bhgn yg mo ke curam tu..mcm xblh bernfs! sesak!! terkejut..btapa besarnya penyu tu!!! then kami ke belakang sket,kami nmpk lg 1 ekor.di bawah pon besar gilakkkkkkkk!!! ak tunggu jak dia berenang naik ke permukaan sgt2!!ms tu rs mo xmo lah emosional sgt. hahahaa....but sblom tu,mo mo trun d tangga bot tu,still ya..terjunan x sengaja tu.hahaha...(Unfortunately, none of the guide take the Big Turtles picture.. T.T)

Puas nampak turtle,kami pon balik homestay..mandi2..minum ptang..and jam 5 ptg,kami d bawa jalan2 oleh dua org c echa n jue x silap.haha...pulau mabul ni ada perkampungan.sebahagian tu totally kampung,sebahagian lagi totally lah..tgk bdk2 laki telanjang,main2 dpan rumah.hahahahaha!!!! sdang jln2 dgn bestnya..kami jmpa kedai cenderahati..yg pandainya,sorg pon x bawa duit..jadi 3 org rajin,rini,jue n echa balik homestay ambik duit...ak,kak shella and ras tunggu di kedai.ak rasa,kalau kami baca buku sains..sempat habis cover form 1,2,3 punya bab..punya lama mnunggu dorg!!! hahahaa....lepas habis round,kami balik homestay..
Some of souveniours u can buy from Mabul.

Best Buddies! 10years together! ;) (Pakaian agak lame!haha)

Again, ;) We at Sipadan Water Village Resort (Riches jak can stay here)

Dinner was great..Lpas mkn,smua staff and pelancong lain kumpul..main2 gitar nyanyi2... !! Esoknya(20 june),pagi2 bangun..dgn x sarapan..i trus snorkeling lagi dgn rini pd mulanya..hehe..then,rasmah n my sis join,pelancong lain join,abg jeff,and guide2!! snorkeling ramai2...part xbest..baju mungkin terselak masa snorkeling,dorg lah puas...hahaha..nampak ikan..nampak lagi perut2 kita.hahaha...siang tu,echa n jue x snorkeling..lama gilak snorkeling pgi2 ni...pas pnat snorkeling,gilaaaa....lapar trus..p dapur minta srpn. hahaa...pas tu,mandi..lunch buat kali terakhir...plancong lain tu blanja lobster..haha..last,kami gmbr2 dgn staf2..salam2 smua...and menanam niat utk datang lagi!!!!!!!
Isn't this cute? In front the homestay! ;)


Zebra Fish.. ;)

Ikan Layar.. ;)

When I saw this, I though ULAR, I cepat2 come out from water..rupanya EEL! :(

This Nemo is very friendly!! He will kiss u!

The Black Mamba! Haha.. ;)

Ikan ni suka menyamar..He likes to hide!

Cute! ;)

The last meal I had before back, the LOBSTER!! But I Like Crab and Prawn more! ;)
After have lunch, we all pun balik to Semporna, and berpisah ke rumah masing-masing. ;) WE LOVE MABULLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!

Tips Ke sini::
1- Search homestay yang sesuai dengan bajet anda, I cadangkan mcm yang atas tu lah. ;)
2- Bring pakaian yang sesuai, lg snang pakai swimming suit muslimah tu, for girls. ;)
3- If u want to come here from smnanjung, ambik flight KL-Tawau. Then, from Tawau, naik bus/taxi/homestay arrange to the jetty..and continue mcm I tell above! If u dont want to terus ke Pulau, u can stay overnight at SEAFEST HOTEL or at DRAGON INN..The room rate is ok and the rooms are comfortable (As me and family have stayed there many times)
4-If from Sabah, direct jak lah terus ke SEmporna!
5- PLEEASE BOOK EARLY!!! mcm us, we went on June, but I book everythings since January!
6-PLEASE check the season.because we are dealing with OCEAN!!